To study the influence of rotary inertia on gear flowmeter natural frequency, keep damping and leakage coefficient as constant. 结果表明:与增大泄漏系数、阻尼系数相比,减小转动惯量可以明显的提高流量计的频率响应。
By theoretical analysis of the relationship between the intensity distribution and the LSW amplitude, the damping constant was obtained. 对此,进行了理论分析,得出了衍射条纹强度分布与表面波振幅之间的解析关系式。
The magnification change has no influence on boundary frequency while the nonlinearity of damping, time constant and pure time delay are its main influencing factors. 放大倍数不改变系统的分界频率,但阻尼大小、时间常数和纯延时等非线性环节是影响分界频率的主要因素。
An approach of determining optimal damping constant of damper on stay cables 确定斜拉索减振阻尼器优化参数的一种方法
The upper and lower bounds of the direction window increase with the damping constant. 这个方向窗口的宽度与阻尼系数和磁内能有关。
When the mass and damping parameters are constant, the smaller the rigidity of the damping structure is, the better the high frequency filtering function is. 通过分析可知:在质量和阻尼一定的情况下,减振结构的刚度越小,对高频的过滤作用越明显;
We show that there is a critical value for the damping constant, above which the minimal switching field is the same as that of the SW-limit, for a given magnetic anisotropy. 文中还指出了对于一个给定的各向异性的磁体,阻尼系数存在一个临界值,超过它时,最小翻转磁场与SW极限是相同的.这个方向窗口的宽度与阻尼系数和磁内能有关。
The two branches in each spectrum were independently lineshape-fitted based on scattering analysis, and plasmon frequency and damping constant were obtained, thus the free carrier concentration and mobility could be deduced. 通过进行理论计算和拟合,得到GaN中的等离子体激元的频率及阻尼常数,并由此计算得到GaN中的载流子浓度和迁移率。
The Solution Analysis of CASE Damping Constant During High Strain Dynamic Pile Testing 高应变动力试桩中的CASE阻尼系数取值分析
This paper presented the basic principle of a new type helicopter main rotor lead-leg damper-active controllable lead-leg damper and its calculating method of equivalent viscous damping constant ( EVDC) 本文介绍了一种新型的直升机旋翼减摆器&可控阻尼减摆器的基本原理及其等效粘性阻尼系数(EVDC)的计算方法。
Based on half-car model and analysis of the effect on vehicle riding comfort of increasing passive spring constant and damping constant coefficients, active filtered plus output feedback control strategy is proposed and studied in detail. 基于12车辆模型,在分析被动悬挂弹簧和阻尼系数对车辆舒适性影响的基础上,提出并深入研究滤波输出反馈控制策略。
A general lumped-parameter model is presented to correct the irrationality of traditional dynamic foundation design method, in which the spring stiffness and damping coefficients of the mass-spring-damping model are constant in the whole frequency band. Design and method: cluster sampling is used to collect samples. 论文同时给出了一种一般集中参数模型,以改善传统动力设计方法所采用的质量-弹簧-阻尼模型动力阻抗在整个频段上都是常数的不合理性。
Determining the Viscous Damping Constant of the Level Air Cushion Track 测定平直气轨的粘滞性阻尼常数
The vibration-absorption mechanism of viscous shearing damper of stay cables and the optimal damping constant of cable viscous damper are analyzed in the paper. 介绍了斜拉索粘性剪切型阻尼减振器的减振原理,并对拉索阻尼器的最佳阻尼系数进行了分析;
Method of Determining Viscous Damping Constant of Air Track 测定气轨的粘性阻尼常量的一种方法
A method that determines the viscous damping constant of air cushion track with measuring the speed losing is introduced and the main sources of experimental errors are analysed. 介绍了利用速度的损失测定气轨阻尼常数的方法,分析了实验误差的主要来源。
The stronger the field is and the larger the damping constant and the average photon number could be, the more rapidly the nonlocality decreases. 场越强、平均光子数和衰退系数越大,非局域性减小得越快。
CASE damping constant Jc is an important dimensionless experienced constant during high strain dynamic pile testing. CASE阻尼系数(Jc)是CASE法高应变动力试桩中一个重要的无量纲经验系数。
The radial stiffness and damping constant is calculated by suing curve-fitting according to the data obtained by sinusoidal wave vibration testing. 根据正弦激振测得的数据用计算机程序进行最小二乘曲线拟合,得到橡胶缓冲器的径向动刚度和阻尼系数值。
A discussion on the damping constant of air cushion slideway 关于气垫导轨阻尼常数的讨论
The results show that when the wave vector with parallel to the interface exceeds the damping constant and the field strength exceeds a certain threshold, the population of interfacial optical phonons grows with time. 研究结果表明:当平行于界面的波矢超过衰减常数,场强超过某一阈值时,界面光学声子数随时间指数增加。
The rapidity of the loss of the quantum nonlocality depends on the amplitude of the initial squeezed vacuum state and the cavity damping constant and the average photon number of thermal environment. 非局域性的消失速度依赖于初始压缩真空态的振幅、热库的平均光子数和腔的衰退系数。
Taking the example of the one dimensional damping motion of an object on air track, using curve fitting method and digital camera connected to a computer to collect data, fitting curve can be displayed, and the damping constant of air can be obtained. 以物体在气垫导轨上做一维阻尼运动为例,用曲线拟合方法推导出空气的阻尼常量的计算公式,利用与计算机相连的数码照像机采集数据,画出拟合曲线,从而得出了空气的阻尼常量。
Curve fitting method to measure the damping constant of air 用曲线拟合方法测量空气阻尼常量
The Optimal Damping Constant Study of Cable Incorporated Viscous Damper 斜拉索粘性阻尼器最佳阻尼系数的研究
It takes short-period time-domain simulative data as inputs and system identification theory is applied in computing model parameters. The damping coefficient and inertia time constant of generator may be unknown beforehand. 利用短时时域仿真数据作为输入,采用系统辨识法辨识模型参数,无需预先知道阻尼系数和机械惯性时间常数。
In view of this, an MD-MTMD modeling strategy is developed through keeping the stiffness and damping constant but remaining the masses linearly distributed. 鉴此,本文提出了刚度和阻尼系数保持常量但质量线性分布的MDMTMD新模型策略。
Seismic behavior of multiple tuned mass dampers ( MTMD), which keep the stiffness and damping constant and have a uniform distribution of natural frequencies, is studied in the present paper. 研究了由许多刚度和阻尼保持常量且频率呈线性分布的TMD形成的MTMD的地震特性。
The article set forth a solution method of CASE damping constant, due to combining CAPWAP method with RA2 method in CASE method and using ( statistical) analysis tools. 通过运用实测曲线拟合法与CASE法中的RA2法相结合,借助统计工具进行分析,本文提出了一种CASE阻尼系数的确定方法。
The AMA with constant voltage source exhibits damping character, while with constant current source it provides only a negative stiffness that lowers the critical speed of the rotor system. 当提供的电源为恒流源时,控制执行器仅提供负刚度,从而使整个支承刚度降低,转子临界转速下降,此时宜采用变刚度控制。